Posts by Idm 22
January 09, 2010
Bookmark this or print it up:   Don't be silly and think you need to study it though, it's only a reference!
January 08, 2010
For those of you who dabble with HTML or are truly interested in learning the ways of the Webmaster I found a tool I only wish had existed when I was new at it: a real-time online editor. Check this out: Now paste this HTML/CSS into the top half of the page: <p style="display: block; font-size: 128px; font-face: Georgia; position: relative; top: 25%; text-align: center">HELLO WA!<br />;)</p> This can save you quite a bit of time!
December 16, 2009
 Anytime I hear about a new internet marketing program or service, whether it's "FREE" or paid, I run it through IM Report Card to see what other marketers are saying.  If it's a paid program and isn't worth the money, naturally I save my money and don't buy it.  If it's a free program and I don't spend time figuring that out for myself, I save the time I would've spent figuring that out. Some tools may be well built and do what they claim, but still be a waste of your t
December 14, 2009
I've been going through the "Thirty Day Challenge" aka 30DC at for more than a week and have learned some useful internet marketing tricks that I'm confident will work for me.  In the past couple of days they led me to try out Traffic Bug from  I was optimistic, after all they recommended I try Market Samurai and I'm loving that, what could possibly be wrong with it? I submitted the main URL of one of my blogs and also a blog po
I'm not too sure how it happened but I've achieved "Expert Status" in the Miscellaneous section of the Training Center. So now I can approve or decline edits to resources in that category. That's pretty cool, I just declined a bogus edit this morning. Denied!
Just a quick note to say I added my first video resource to WA today! I did it on my lunch break yesterday so it's a bit of a rush job but I'm sure you can relate. Things just move too fast sometimes. Check it out! Get Organized with Evernote
November 11, 2009
 This is just a short update to say that I published my first resource at WA! I plan on doing plenty more in the future, and I even played with recording video last night so future resources may be a little easier to digest. Please enjoy! Wealthy Affiliate's Top Models: Leveraging Success
Have you ever played pin the tail on the donkey? You're blindfolded but that poor donkey is relying on you. It's hard enough being a donkey with a tail let alone a donkey without one. What can you do to help him?! Listen for feedback from those around you and correct your path if you feel like you're getting off track. There are two kinds of feedback: positive and negative. Positive means you're getting warmer, negative means you're getting colder. They're both equally useful in achieving your g
1 comment
October 22, 2009
We never really know where we're going do we? We can plan and scheme all we like but we can't control everything else that has been set in motion and will eventually collide with us. This can be fortunate or disastrous. Tonight I was invited out to see some live music in downtown Houston and even though it was getting late I decided I'd go check it out. I'm driving down the freeway in the dark at about 60 mph and suddenly out of the darkness I see a very large object in the road covering almost
October 18, 2009
I read a book by Daniel H. Pink entitled, "A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future." It changed my perspective on my career, my education and how I think in general. I recommend it to anyone who feels stuck where they're at. I started to look for things in the negative space after it was pointed out by Mr. Pink (no, not Steve Buscemi) that there's an arrow in the FedEx logo between the 'E' and the 'x.' How interesting is that? It has been there for a long time but I