5 Habits Of A Successful Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: May 24, 2010

In continuing with my positive progress at Wealthy Affiliate University, it is important to practice habits that will make me a true successful wealthy affiliate.

Everyone knows that you have got to have a plan or goal. And you have to take action to achieve your end results.

I came up with 5 habits that I believe will help anyone become a successful Wealthy Affiliate.

1. Simplify

Simplify to make goals, actions, and results support one another. Making things as easy as possible lessens overwhelm and distractions.

Always seek to create an easy to use template of actions for a specific objective that supports your main goal.

Here at Wealthy Affiliate University, there are many tutorials and resources that show step by step in simple to understand and practice - how to achieve a specific objective. 

Get to know and use WA well. Start with the start up guides and work your way from there.

2. Consistent

Taking action on what needs to be done supports the kind of results you want. Taking action consistently will yield progress in the right direction.

Being consistent shortens learning curve, promote discipline, and inspire proactive actions that leads to success.

A plan or goal that is consistent with the right actions, carried out on a daily or weekly basis, is the basis for any successful pursuit.

The task management system, the bookmark and notes features, the training history and timed tutorials and updated resources make being consistent easier and puts everything in perspective and within easy reach. 

3. Results Oriented

Working with a set objective in mind gets results that can be improved upon.

Connecting results oriented thinking with results oriented actions makes simplifying and being consistent easier.

Without results, there is no space for progress into achieving your goals.

Choose a particular IM model or resource whether it is article marketing or PPC and run with it. Taking actions on the recommended step by step instructions easily creates results.

Create results with the Tools and Research and make those step by step instructions come alive.

4. Rinse and Repeat

With results, one can rinse and repeat for greater improvement or maximized results. Find what works and follow through.

Test and tweak for a never ending repeat of continual progress.

Progress opens more doors to continuing with this rinse and repeat cycle of success.

Succeed in one model or tutorial and repeat your success. This will make your learning concrete and real for future repeats.

Build on it and improve on it for greater gains before moving on to a different model or tutorial. 

5. Celebrate

Every journey in pursuit of a dream, a goal or plan is made possible by the actions taken throughout each step of the way.

Counting one's blessings and celebrating each victory or lesson learned strengthens abilities and foreshadows the inevitable success.

Celebrate the journey to make the final success more meaningful in every way.

Blog about your journey, join up WA Space conversations, comment on other WA blogs and in the forum. Be a part of Wealthy Affiliate's community.

Share yourself, your smile and your gold.

Celebrate each success and those of others, learn from your mistakes, and offer encouragement and support.

A shared journey is a shared success story.

The five habits of a successful wealthy affiliate: simplify, consistent, results oriented, rinse and repeat, and celebrate.

Keep them in mind, practice them daily and just enjoy this journey with your WA buddies. 

A successful wealthy affiliate can be had by anyone with work, persistence and practicing these five habits. These habits support and promote progress and make dreams come true.

Be persistent and take action in line with your goals with WA on your side.

Celebrate now and throughout your journey here at Wealthy Affiliate University and create your own success story.

We Are all wealthy affiliates in our dreams.

May we work just as passionately towards our dreams, with each step all the way to the end.

May we all become real life successful wealthy affiliates with successful online businesses that are sustainable and repeatable - cheers!



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Jamie Smith Premium
Thanks for sharing this excellent blog!
jatdebeaune Premium
Good plan Faith. You really have to guard against distraction. I think that's the hardest part. For me it is anyway.
maureenhannan Premium
Have you considered a career as a motivational speaker, Faith? You have a way of distilling things down to the essentials without forgetting the "practical logistics." Anyway, I need to get better with the simplicity and consistency part. I've tried to make my file system better. Even beginning files in a folder with numbers so that I'm accessing them in the sequence I want. (e.g., Wordpress plugins--major, configurable ones first.) Hope to keep refining, practicing, learning. Re consistency...I am too quick to second-guess myself and wonder if I'm wasting my time. I need to trust more in the process...but first I feel I need to completely understand the process. Anyway, thanks for boiling it down so nicely!