WA: Wonderful Awareness

Last Update: May 24, 2010

I'm still orienting myself to WA and have started on the recommended tutorials. For now, I'm learning to build a better foundation for being a profitable affiliate. So many ideas that I sometimes have to stop and just take a breather.

I initially got into WA for the fact that in here I can have the base of operations in learning the basics of launching a real online business that will last. One with a solid foundation than can easily be expanded on for greater gains.

The vast tutorials and tools as well as the niche mining and networking possibilites found here seems endless. Good features and resources that  can be used to leverage my particular objectives.

Nipping distractions in the bud has been my greatest enemy. Being here at WA allows me to really focus on my goals without straying into checking out the next new IM launch. 

I've only been here for three days and already I have a clear idea of how I want to pursue my goals and how I can best make them a reality. The task and goal management feature helps to keep things in perspective while showing me where I'm at and where I am going. 

WA may just be the best investment that I've spent on in a long while, one that I believe will be used extensively for this year 2010. 

Getting a good foundation on where you are with the right tools and resources and putting them to work will jumpstart any pursuit and make dreams come true. 

I like it here and looking forward to each day, doing what I need to do to achieve my goals. Keeping this blog also helps in making me accountable to what I plan and set out to do. So far so good. 

WA - Wonderful Awareness for a future Wealthy Affiliate




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oryan1958 Premium
You state things so well, you gonna go far my friend! Best to you always.
iFaith Premium
Yes, I like it here at WA. And the timed tutorials makes that overwhelm beast not so nearby with its mighty claws... :o)
jatdebeaune Premium
It feels good to be in a place that's pretty much self contained with just what you need to get it going. I used to read everything, every offer in my inbox. Now I don't feel the emergency.
maureenhannan Premium
Hello, and welcome! I'm also new--and also using the blog as an accountability tool. I'll be following your progress...and wishing you every success.
Jamie Smith Premium
Nice to have you in the WA family!