2 Years Later - Status

Last Update: November 18, 2009

Ok I thought I should give you some updates.  Shoot.  I cannot believe it has been 2 years I have been at Wealthy Affiliates.

Ok...so I have been really busy this last year.  I moved, I changed my kids life upside down and now I am finally where I want to be.  

The business has suffered a little this summer due to move, BUT not much... and now I have 6 products under my belt and am working with a partner.  That has been a turning point for me.  Having someone to talk to is awesome and now that we share half the work, and half the expenses I get to enjoy this business as well!

 We have also started a membership site called Niche Marketing Camp, and made is success in just 2 weeks.  We have created a Massive Traffic Report as well and Niche In the Box.  These have taken a lot of our time but well worth it!

One thing I can give you as an advice is that you really have to split test everything and create multiple sources of traffic to really make it.  

My partner is really big on split testing, and pushed me into it more at first, now, I push Alex :)

The split testing is great because it helps us know exactly what is selling, which page is converting, and so much more. 

So split test, and drive lots of targeted traffic to your site and you will make it!

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Louise M. Premium
Thanks for the tips and Congratulations !! :)