Different Kind of Affiliate Success Story

Last Update: February 25, 2010
I just wanted to share with you a little success, and while I am naming this affiliate success story, you will see that it is partially affiliate and partially out of the box thinking.  So let’s get started!

For those of you who know me you also know that I've immigrated from Former Yugoslavia in 1997 to US.  I was 18 years old at the time, and knew basic very limited English.  Most people would think a person like that, without college degree cannot get far, but my experience will prove you wrong. So instead of boring you to death with how it all went for me, let’s fast forward 13 years later!

I have finished college!  In the past 13 years, I’ve run a successful 6 figure income business *until real estate crash, I managed to get married (LOL) to a wonderful husband and also have 2 children, Boy and a Girl (What I've always wanted!) and for past 3 years I've been building a very successful business in "Internet Marketing/affiliate marketing world"

BUT....I have to say it has not been easy.  I had months where I would make tons of money, and months where I made only few hundred dollars. And the bottom line was, I was trying to do it all by myself and it was killing me.  So I ended up making a very good strategic business move and partnered with my Partner Alex Williams!  We both have the same working habits, and are putting into this business 110% of our efforts.

Now, having given you a little background, here is that affiliate success story!

You see, in the online world, it is a completely new world. You end up doing so much and you learn so much.  So a few months ago, with the recession and all, I kept on hearing people complain everywhere.  But it hurt so much that my close family and friends were getting affected by it.  The situation was so bad that 3 of them were out of work and no way to provide for their family.  

You are probably thinking, come on Ivana, get them into affiliate marketing. The thing is, I could have gotten them involved in affiliate marketing, but the problem is, they are terrible at writing :), it would take them at least 2-3 months to see some success and the biggest problem is, that not all of them are in US, so getting paid by PayPal would be a huge issue!

So I remember it was Thursday, and I talked to all of them, and I kept on hearing the complaint from all of them, and I knew they really wanted to work and earn their living.  They were not begging for money, but for a way to earn.  So in 3 days that followed I was thinking, how can I help!  They would be too embarrassed if I offered them money and I would really not fix anything by it, I just wanted to find a way for them to earn their living.  So I made a plan of starting a service based business where they can earn their keep.  You see, they all had enough computer skills to work on the service type business, I just needed to see, what kind would work the best for them!

So by Monday after a discussion with my partner, we started working on Link Dominators  Website.  Basically a site that provides service for one way links. Of course, they needed training but they were all for it (actually as we were thinking big scale, we ended up finding couple of more people).  And two weeks later, we had it up and running.
The main reason for this affiliate success story is to understand that there are millions of ways you can make a living online.  I never thought about providing this type of service, but by helping 6 people, we have it up and running!

My partner and I are providing ways for others to earn online, and that personally is a great success for me!

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sncalo Premium
Wow! Thanks for share this with us. I have 4 months in WA, with some language limitations, I am Hispanic, and I was considering to quit.
KLynnOlsen Premium
I am very impressed with your story Ivana, and I'm glad to hear that you were able to gain success without the affiliate marketing. I want to do the exact same thing. If you know another 'newbee' that feels the same way that I could buddy up with, it would be great if you could point them my way. I have a lot of computer skills to offer (although not specific to web design) in database setup, design. 18 years experience in project management, and I started my own business 6 years ago for my husband to run, which he operates day-to-day. But I have always been the’ breadwinner', but I can't manage corporate America anymore so I need another option.

BTW, my picture is of my foot and my puppy because I don't have any pictures of myself that I can post on-line since my husband dropped our digital camera overboard last summer.

Thanks very much for any help you can provide.

KLynnOlsen Premium
I am very impressed with your story Ivana, and I'm glad to hear that you were able to gain success without the affiliate marketing. I want to do the exact same thing. If you know another 'newbee' that feels the same way that I could buddy up with, it would be great if you could point them my way. I have a lot of computer skills to offer (although not specific to web design) in database setup, design. 18 years experience in project management, and I started my own business 6 years ago for my husband to run, which he operates day-to-day. But I have always been the’ breadwinner', but I can't manage corporate America anymore so I need another option.

BTW, my picture is of my foot and my puppy because I don't have any pictures of myself that I can post on-line since my husband dropped our digital camera overboard last summer.

Thanks very much for any help you can provide.

jatdebeaune Premium
Kudos to you! I love people who are creative and think out of the box. Let us know how it's working out.