Jay WAbinar

Last Update: March 22, 2011

Jay is my marketing mentor

I STRONGLY suggest you enjoy Jay's excellent FREE WAbinar classes and Jay's magistudios blog.

I am re-posting this on behalf of Jay ...

Tracking Traffic, Keywords & Stats with Free Google Tools Bymagistudios
Have you heard of Google Analytics & Google Webmaster Tools?
These are some of the best free 'stats' applications around and you should be using them to track your traffic.

Join Jay (magistudios) this Friday @5:00PM (-7GMT) where he will discuss:

* An Overview of Google Analytics & How to Use it
* An Overview of Google Webmaster Tools & How to Use it
* How To Exclude Your Own Traffic from Analytics
* How to Determine Where People Are Leaving Your Site (very important to know!)
* Thoughts on How to Make Money With Analytics & Webmaster Tools
* Live Q & A Session

"Regardless of what your experience level is, be sure to jump on board to this WAbinar as there may be one tiny piece of information that you pick up that can make a huge difference in your online business."
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phaeton Premium
Clear, Concise, and extremely easy to understand. I only 2wish that I had started attending his Wabinars earlier. You ROCK Jay!
TiaraKate Premium
Already registered and so cannot wait for this WAbinar. Jay is amazing from how he instructs to the content he presents. Have not missed one WAbinar yet!!
jatdebeaune Premium
I need this one. Thanks Jamie. Jay ROCKS!
Jamie Smith Premium