About Phaeton
Joined April 2010
Hello everyone! So glad that I found this opportunity to pick up a little extra cash. I am a Newbie, Newbie. Still having troubles finding my way around my computer. I took a computer course in school about ten years ago.

Was doing pretty good too but then I started playing a lot of games and such and sort of fell by the wayside. I made a decision that the fun and games are over and that it is time to have a more serious outlook for my future.

Finding Pot Pie Girl and winding up on this amazing site was truly a godsend. I will be forever grateful for this fabulous opportunity.

Just a brief bio! I was born in a small town in a small North American Country in 1939. (Montreal, Canada.) :-p My dad had just joined the Navy and was shipping out overseas. I couldn't wait to be born I guess because my mom had to enter the hospital in Montreal. When mom was able to travel we returned to Nova Scotia were I spent my childhood years.

From there we wound up in Hamilton, Ontario 12 years later where I received my formal training.
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Ally Premium
Hey you! what kind of games? I hope it wasn't role play you gave up lol. I'll be soo disappointed. ;)
phaeton Premium
No it wasn't. It was a war game in ancient Greece. you built city states and formed alliances with other players. It was a very addictive game even though it lacked animation. It was based on Team effort more or less.
I much prefer RPG's though.
Sherion Premium
Welcome to WA. Feel free to add me as a buddy and if I can be of any help let me know.
Sherion Premium
I added you as a buddy. I am in lesson 4 now. Oooh it is so good. Let me know if I can help. Best Wishes.
phaeton Premium
Thanks for the welcome sherion. Love your pix! Happy to be your buddy thx for adding me. I am a newbie here myself but if I can be of any help to you don't hesitate to ring my bell!
Garage667 Premium
Hey there Phaeton!Just wanted to say thank you for the gold and wish you the best of luck and success here at WA!Talk to u soon!
phaeton Premium
No problem Dimitris! Been offline for awhile,chasing shiny things. back where I belong now and working on my campaign. It's good to be back! the only shiny thing for me now is WA. finally got my priorities straight!
GoldenRN Premium
Hi, I think it would be a great ideal to be your buddy. Thanks for asking.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family