Posts by Jasonr 9
June 19, 2011
My 14 year old son has his own blog and has been working on it for a while. I've been teaching him about the monetisation of his blog and over the last few days he has added some Amazon adverts. Well a very excited young man ran in to tell us that his first sales has gone through - he made 22p commission! I'm a proud Dad :-) Feel free to visit the site His aim is to build this to a stage where he won't need a Saturday job and it will pay him during his university years
I kept coming across a web site called SocialMonkee and after a while decided to have a look. I'm still not sure if it's a way to spam other sites or it's actually doing some good. In a nut shell you log onto the site which has both a paid version and a free version. Here you enter some basic information about your site and SocialMonkee spreads this information across 25 social sites for you - for free! If this works then it saves you so much time having to log onto multiple sites and create som
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It's been a while since my last blog and I wanted to give you an update on my WA journey. On my way to work I have been listening to Earl Nightingale – Lead the Field. Earl talks about 'digging in a vein of pure gold' for ideas and inspiration. So, each morning I get up an hour before everybody else in the family and go downstairs to my office. Sitting at my desk I take a blank sheet of paper and at the top I write out my primary goal. I then let my brain find ways to bridge the gap between my
April 20, 2011
Hi Not sure if anybody has had this problem - when I try to create a new hosted blog I get the following error message  "No client account has yet been setup for this user on the supplied hosting server." I've had a look in the forums but can't see what to do - I don't think it's something I've done.   Jason  
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Started working through the Accreditation Training Course yesterday and successful set up my first PPC campaign. I've directed this to my WA affiliate site.I've been a bit timid on the daily budget but hopefully if I start to see some results then I'll up that over time.  The course is also suggesting that I sign up for Yahoo and Live, but I really wanted to concentrate on Google. Not sure if anybody has a view on these services?  
April 11, 2011
I've read with admiration some of the stories that other WA members are posting and the progress they are making and wonder if I'm doing enough?   At the time of writing I've launched a couple of WA affiliate sites and another niche site, written one article and have 3 squidoo sites.  My question is really: Should I be doing little bits of everything or a lot of one thing in particular?   My first goal is to make my first sale - I think that when this has been achieved, then a mil
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April 05, 2011
I was talking with a friend the other day and he will be retiring in a few years after 30 years in the fire service. It seems staggering to me that anybody would have the same job for so long and though I'm pleased for him (that he is retiring soon) I couldn't imagine myself ever being in the same position. Imagine going to the same place of work, doing very similar things for 30 years! Then I look around at some of the WA forums and see people who have been in WA for only a few months, talking
March 29, 2011
Well, it’s the end of the first week and I’m already sounding like an expert to my friends with the amount I’ve learnt! I read a post that suggested that most people’s initial thought when joining WA is “I need to make money” and I agree, this was my first reaction. However, with a week under my belt this has changed (a little!) I’ve been doing my job for years now and am totally reliant upon a single income source - this is something I’m not particularly pleased with. With th
Hello all WA members, My first blog and hopefully an exciting journey into Internet marketing and freedom from the job. My reason for joining, primarily is to work my way out of a job. Every year I look back over the previous year and realise that I talked a lot and thought a lot about earning enough money to quit the job. I’d also like a little freedom to enjoy life.  Time passed and I never really did anything about it. Until now. Why Wealthy Affiliates? I was  listening to a