Digging in a Vein of Pure Gold

Last Update: June 03, 2011

It's been a while since my last blog and I wanted to give you an update on my WA journey.

On my way to work I have been listening to Earl Nightingale – Lead the Field. Earl talks about 'digging in a vein of pure gold' for ideas and inspiration. So, each morning I get up an hour before everybody else in the family and go downstairs to my office. Sitting at my desk I take a blank sheet of paper and at the top I write out my primary goal. I then let my brain find ways to bridge the gap between my current situation and this goal. The task is to write down at least 20 ideas that will move me forward and I can tell you that not all of them are good ideas.

This is hard work! It's early in the morning and I'm 'forcing' my brain to think! Earls states in his recording that at first this will be difficult and it is. However, I have noticed that though I've only been at this a few weeks, good ideas pop into my head during the day and I feel I making a breakthrough.

I believe that if I keep my primary goal in front of me each and every day, that this goal will be achieved and I can go onto bigger and better goals.

So, if you are sitting (or standing or lying) and as yet haven't written out a primary goal – STOP reading and write one out. Because without a goal you're heading nowhere!

And don't make the goal a negative one, i.e. “get out of debt” is negative and you will end up in more debt. Your goal in this case would be “I'd like 10,000 surplus cash in the bank”.

Enjoy the journey, anticipate the destination

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jatdebeaune Premium
One of my tricks is I make out a check to myself and date it and tack it to the board in my office. Look at it everyday, several times a day.
Naganco Premium
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a try!
Your transport minister wants everyone in London to work from home during the 2012 Olympics so perhaps quitting your day job and being self-sufficient in your online biz before then could be your goal.