SocialMonkee - Is it for real

Last Update: June 15, 2011

I kept coming across a web site called SocialMonkee and after a while decided to have a look. I'm still not sure if it's a way to spam other sites or it's actually doing some good. In a nut shell you log onto the site which has both a paid version and a free version. Here you enter some basic information about your site and SocialMonkee spreads this information across 25 social sites for you - for free!

If this works then it saves you so much time having to log onto multiple sites and create some content, but is it just spam? I'd like to hear your feedback on this? To access click here: SocialMonkee

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smadronia Premium
I haven't found SocialMonkee to be a scam. I've found problems with it, but I don't think it's a scam.
I don't know if it works as well as it claims, but I've found it's handy for getting articles and sites to rank well. I wouldn't rely on it for all my backlinking though.
My biggest complaint right now is the system is overwhelmed, so your submission reports take longer than they say they will. I have a premium account thanks to referrals, and so I can tell it how many days I want my submissions spread out over. I told is 4 days once, and after a week, it was still telling me 4 days until submitted. I emailed them, and they said there was a backup with the system. Mysteriously, I emailed, and suddenly it started submitting for me.