Posts by Jchilders 14
April 12, 2012
Like a lot of you out there, I only do IM part time.  I have a regular job that I go to from 8-5.  Granted it's not SO bad as I have the freedom to lurk in chat most of the day.  However I can't do IM work know..they pay me to do THEIR work. LOL Just kind of curious about other part-timers out you divvy up your day, etc. My typical day goes something like: 6:00  Alarm goes off...slip back to bed 6:05 Oops, better get up, the dog's eyes
April 06, 2012
Reading IveTriedThat's blog about setting goals, I decided to put mine up as well. 1. Get 2 PROFITABLE sites up and running 2. Become more active at WA so I can have a chance to meet some fine folks in Vegas ;) 3. Along with #1, increase my income by $500/month I'm with Apina too..I've horrible at making goals but let's see how this goes anyway. :)   Personal Goals 1. Organize my home time better to be able to work on IM more 2. Up my activity to lose 10lbs
So creating personal blogs isn't really my thing, but I figured I needed to do SOMETHING to commemorate the new WA.   Not that the old design was bad, but compared to this it WAS getting a little dated. Big shout to K&C, I know they've put a lot of time and effort into it and it shows.  I can't wait for some of the other bells and whistles they have planned to get rolled out too. I'm loving the new search function and how it ties everything together...and I
Ok, so this has nothing to do with IM-ing but I just had to vent and see if I'm the only one... I saw a recent local news story that a woman got arrested and CPS called on her for leaving her kid in a car when she went into the store. The story actually ran details from a couple different cases so I'm not sure of the exact details but seriously???  I remember growing up I'd HAVE to go to the store with my mom for the weekly grocery trip.  I never wanted to go in and follow her around t