I'm back?!

Last Update: October 06, 2011

While I've never officially left WA (and why would I?!) This is the first time I've logged in for about 7 weeks. Unfortunately been feeling really sick - nothing serious, just mostly horrible pregnancy symptoms. At least I've logged in today. I'm hoping to get back into some sort of groove with my IM efforts, but I really don't feel very motivated (maybe because I am still struggling physically). Not looking to quit - I do believe THIS is the key to my financial success.

Anyhow, any motivational words or verbal butt-kicking would be appreciated -the spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is most certainly weak.

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Incognito Premium
Welcome back Jenmuso. Because you mentioned "motivational words", I figured I would point you to my latest blog post (this is the direct link - https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_spaces_profile/index/pid/11327/tab/blog/blog_id/13525). It was quite motivating and inspirational for me. Hope it does the same for you. Enjoy.