What is Truly Important

Last Update: August 25, 2011

Yesterday my friend lost her brother Tim, he was 27. He was at work when he suddenly collapsed and died. Even though I met him only a few times, he was a good person, who was loved by many.

The thought has continued to recur today that, in this terrible time of utter sadness, his parents, 4 older sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces and nephews can at least look back on their times with Tim and know that they loved him well.

How many of us could suddenly lose a family member or friend and know that we loved them well?

What is truly important?

I know I have pondered these questions today and have seen where I can improve.

If only one of you has a think about these questions, then writing this blog has served its purpose.

For all those that believe in the power of prayer, then please say a prayer for Tim's family (who I know most of them) because they are suffering so much.

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jatdebeaune Premium
I will say a prayer for Tim's family. What a shock for them to have lost him unexpectedly. It's difficult enough when someone's been ill. He's was so young. My sincerest condolences for their loss.