my brain is my best friend and my worst enemy

Last Update: July 20, 2011

Argh! This is where I am at. I am putting in as many quality hours that I can spare - usually from 5am to 7am, Monday through to Friday, plus whatever else I can squeeze in. I know my progress is slow, but its definitely there because I know some stuff about this business, still got a lot to learn but I'm getting there AND I have some stuff out there, bringing in some interest. I also have ideas and a plan of action. In this sense my brain is being my best friend because I am learning, implementing and creating.

BUT, my brain is being my worst enemy because I doubt my ability to reach the level of success that I dream of, and part of that is to earn enough money so I don't have to rejoin the workforce when my boys go to school. I wish I could stop doubting myself because I realize that it is a road block on my path to success.

Now that everyone knows I am a nutter, I'll just get back to work - the real key to success!

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ramona Premium
Yes, Out mind is our worst enemy at times. There were many days I sat in front of the computer building my busines for 12 hours at a time and it still wasn't enough because I am so determined to mkae this work. Every moment counts. Don't give up. Just take a break and come back to it later. Good luck and wishing you much success.
stadium Premium
The one thing I am absolutely positive about is if you truly work hard at something you will become good at it. For years I worked so hard at drinking beer, at first I was only a lightweight, after some time and a lot of long nights practicing, I could drink 24 or more beers in one night.
jatdebeaune Premium
Just declare your success and then forget about it. Assume it it and carry on. Don't carry the weight of it. Don't give your mind the opportunity to doubt. What you describe is universal. It's a monkey that has to get off your back. It can get in your way, but it won't.
Nirnaeth Premium
I know what you mean, sometimes it's hard to stay positive and keep doubts at bay. But you're working consistently, that's THE best thing to achieve what you want. Building momentum can take you far, it just takes a while. I've often heard people saying that the doubts are strongest the closer you get to success - so hang in there! It might just be around the corner :)
Louise M. Premium
I do agree with that. Our mindset is 50% of our success (ok maybe more than that!). You definitely need to believe in your ability to achieve success in order to actually achieve success!! :)