Posts by Jeremy35 8
April 20, 2010
Just a quick word of encouragement to keep pressing on.  I've only made 4 posts to my blog and already wordpress decided to feature my blog in the "stories and analogies" search. It was the ONLY featured blog in that section. I had wondered why my views more than doubled for two days straight! Keep at it WA family...success is just around the corner.   -Jeremy
April 17, 2010
 Just a quick word of encouragement for all of you out there in WA land. I posted a new blog about a week ago at the same time as a squidoo lens of mine My squidoo lens was on Google within 24hrs. Yet my blog was not! Funny thing is that my blog keywords were much less searched than my squidoo keywords are.  I kept backlinking via multiple sites and what do ya know! I got listed on GOOGLE's 1st pa
April 16, 2010
 I joined out of skepticism haha Actually already having others join up after me. Less than 30 Days while it's still FREE Make some ca$h -Jeremy
April 12, 2010
 My blog is up and running as well as my first "official" squidoo lens.   Visit below if you'd like to take a look, subscribe or offer some feedback.   Thanks, Jeremy
April 08, 2010
      A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree, " sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy."       "Well," replied the bull, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings? They're packed with nutrients."        The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The
April 04, 2010
 This is my effort to give credit where it's due.  Since joining wealthy affiliate 5 weeks ago I've learned so much. This is an amazing site and has lived up to it's reputation of having more information than the brain can handle. (A good thing) As I continue to grow my very own internet business you can bet on it that I'll have my WA links posted! Also, Pot Pie Girl has been of great help with her web-site(s) and her e-books. I've learned so much additional information from her for a
1 comment
April 01, 2010
Have you every sat down to work or study and you just can't seem to focus or gather your thoughts? Did you notice that only after reading and/or thinking for five to ten minutes (sometimes a little longer in my case lol) your thoughts begin to become a little bit more clear? That's completely normal! The next time you sit down to become a "Wealthy Affiliate" don't give up if you can't seem to focus. Stick with it and before you know it you'll have learned something new and be on your w
March 11, 2010
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