Backlink It Works

Last Update: April 17, 2010

 Just a quick word of encouragement for all of you out there in WA land. I posted a new blog about a week ago at the same time as a squidoo lens of mine My squidoo lens was on Google within 24hrs. Yet my blog was not! Funny thing is that my blog keywords were much less searched than my squidoo keywords are. 

I kept backlinking via multiple sites and what do ya know! I got listed on GOOGLE's 1st page 3 times. Once for my exact blog and twice via two sites I used to back link. I'm taking over!!!

Keep backlinking and be works!

To success!!!


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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Jeremy. That's what I'll be doing today.
caitenmj Premium
awesome! I totally agree backlinking is HUGE, it will rank you MUCH higher!
caitenmj Premium
awesome! I totally agree backlinking is HUGE, it will rank you MUCH higher!
Jeremy35 Premium
Well thank you very much!
Jamie Smith Premium
Backlinking is so important, I totally agree and use that every day. Thanks for sharing this crucial resource for the WA family. I sent you some WA Gold.