Don't get discouraged

Last Update: April 01, 2010

Have you every sat down to work or study and you just can't seem to focus or gather your thoughts? Did you notice that only after reading and/or thinking for five to ten minutes (sometimes a little longer in my case lol) your thoughts begin to become a little bit more clear? That's completely normal! The next time you sit down to become a "Wealthy Affiliate" don't give up if you can't seem to focus. Stick with it and before you know it you'll have learned something new and be on your way to making some cash money!

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Jeremy35 Premium
Great comments! I'm right there with both of you! Totally love Barnes & Noble / Starbucks as well! Creating steps and/or a to do list is very valuable and keeps you on track.
Thanks again for the comments!
caitenmj Premium
hey thanks for your post. I totally agree! There are times when I feel discouraged or frustrated or just plain burnt out! But if I am having trouble getting started then I agree to what you said about just trying for five or ten minutes, once you get started it's a lot harder to stop! Keep up the good work everyone!
jatdebeaune Premium
I love rituals and I like to structure things. Helps me a lot. Because there are so may steps you have to remember in IM that are being taught to us here, I often forget them. So I just structure the process that suits me and write down the steps, 1,2,3, and check them off. Writing is my favorite part, not because I'm a good writer, but because I think I'm a good communicator. Certain rituals are the coolest. Spending time at Barnes and Noble is my favorite. Coffee at Starbuck's is second favorite, meditating while looking at Long Island Sound is right up on top. Well, these are some thoughts that might help somebody else get going.