About Jkirbzcadaing
Joined January 2010
Hey everyone! My name is John Kirby Cadaing and I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. The picture is my girlfriend and I during a party btw lol, but anyways I'm only 19 years of age and the youngest of four children. I was born in Manila, Philippines and moved to United States in 1996. I am very cool and collective and patient about things, but I also like to laugh because it is the best medicine ha! I am sort of a technology nerd and constantly research on the latest and greatest of modern technology, but more into the latest electronics such as cell phones, television, innovative devices etc.

Well anyways! I'm currently taking a break from school in hopes to become an Affiliate Marketer and read great reviews about the Wealthy Affiliate University. I didn't necessarily took a break because of affiliate marketing because I was in and out with the career I had in mind which was Radiology. After a year and a half of classes, I quickly started to become dispassionate about the Healthcare and Medical fields as if I was being pressured into something I didn't what to do. I was first introduced to this by researching online for careers as an alternative to Radiology. I happened to stumble upon [things do happen for a reason] Affiliate Marketing Programs. It quickly took my mind away! Ive been tricked before through different "get rich quick" schemes where I would be foolish to sign up for. After wasting my time and money, I shied away from the idea of making money online and the thought of HTML scared me! Recently my oldest brother proposed the idea to me of making a online website to sell various products because he exclaimed to me that the Internet is the best marketing and money making tool in this generation. I got into the idea and was blown away at the money that was available online! So the more research I did into online marketing, the more I was into starting a career online, but the question that startled me was "where do I start?" As I was reading why affiliate marketing was such a great career to do on random blogs, I kept seeing Wealthy Affiliate being mention on almost each one of them.

So here I am now at the Wealthy Affiliate University learning day by day on how to become successful! What Ive learned so far? There is A LOT of reading to be done haha! But all in all, I hope I can learn from everyone, well most of you guys/girls out there in the WA community cause I cant get to everyone! My goal so at the moment is to learn the business and build friendly relationships! For everyone reading this, I thank you for taking the time to read a brief summary on why I am here. Wish me luck on my journey to become an Internet Marketer! =)
Jkirbzcadaing's Accomplishments

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Slugger_mn Premium
I have a friend named John Kirby.. he playes baseball with me.. haha. Wierd.. haha

Well, Welcome to the w/a!
Slugger_mn Premium
Haha.. well I thought it was pretty cool.. One other person on earth has my real name too... so it matters to me hahaha

How are you liking it here?
Slugger_mn Premium
Yep, We like that, and try to keep it that way haha Have any questions yet?
jkirbzcadaing Premium
haha wow! thats the other one in a million John Kirby i know! lol
jkirbzcadaing Premium
Its like one big helpful community! It is really great so far
music_mom30 Premium
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
jkirbzcadaing Premium
Thank you and thank you for the generously offering help!
buta2008 Premium
Welcome to WA. All the best.
jkirbzcadaing Premium
Thank you very much!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Your Welcome!
jkirbzcadaing Premium
Im glad to be here! Thank you!