I'm the once twice over, I'm the new eleven

Last Update: January 18, 2010

So it has almost been 24 hours since my first time being a member and blogging here at Wealthy Affiliate and it has been an excellent experience so far! I can't wait to finish up in the Training Center and  actually go out into the wild and catch some greenback fishes! Oh one thing about me is I like using metaphors and similes and rhymes to keep me motivated in writing! Anyways back to what I was saying, so yeah it is going really great in the first 24. I am learning A LOT of online marketing terminology, strategies, and techniques that could help me become successful. I'm reallying hopeful about my future here at Wealthy Affiliate cause I can feel it! And if anyone has any tips and pointers for a noobie like myself, please leave me some comments or feedbacks that I could learn from! I'm always up to learn something and I will give back anyway I can! I'm thinking about reading some more info in the Training Center and hitting the forums afterwards? WHY NOT! I'm out! OH I forgot to give a shout out to Martin Luther King JR RIP! How could I forget... sigh...

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