Life is moving fast, where do all these minutes go?

Last Update: January 20, 2010

So its about day 3 into Wealth Affiliate and it is going great! As I am meeting new people and getting to know the WA community, I'm really starting to open up about my future plans and goals in life. As much as I want to profit from sales and marketing, I would also like to benefit from having experienced friends and partners along the road. Everyone has been friendly and very generous.

It feels like it has been awhile since the last blog I wrote. Maybe its because the first two were early as heck! But anyways, I've been busy with this seasonal and temporary jobs on the side. My last day at Target, where I work seasonal, is this Friday, January 20. My temporary job is with my uncle, but he only calls me when he needs me or help. So, lets see, what am I going to do about income until I get this online business started? Well I'm not sweating it as much as the old me. I can't rush WA Training.

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sox1n05 Premium
Your last line is right on the money - "I can't rush WA Training". This is so true. You will be doing yourself a HUGE disservice if you do!

If you run into any snags or have a question - feel free to let me know. I'd be glad to help!

Keep that mindset and you're going to be alright!