Posts by JMarc85 2
January 22, 2010
It seems like we Newbs hear this all over the place when we first join WA: "Set goals." We hear this ad nauseam, but it is the absolute truth. Internet Marketing is kind of like learning how to drive a stick-shift for the first time; that first gear is always the hardest to learn, but once you learn how to get out of first gear, the rest becomes smooth driving. As a newbie, you want to soak as much in as possible, as quickly as possible, due to the fear of doing something wrong or simp
January 08, 2010
So it is 11:59pm on Friday, 1/8/10. I just got off of my day job, exhausted and should be heading to bed right now because I have to wake up at 8:00am tomorrow and do it all over again for nine hours. (Checking in over 2000 people...ugh. :( )For over 6 years now I have been in the hospitality industry and I absolutely love it. I love the amazing different types of people I have the ability to come into contact with. From celebrities to important connections that I've been able to make, its one o