The Beginning...

Last Update: January 08, 2010

So it is 11:59pm on Friday, 1/8/10. I just got off of my day job, exhausted and should be heading to bed right now because I have to wake up at 8:00am tomorrow and do it all over again for nine hours. (Checking in over 2000 people...ugh. :( )For over 6 years now I have been in the hospitality industry and I absolutely love it. I love the amazing different types of people I have the ability to come into contact with. From celebrities to important connections that I've been able to make, its one of the most rewarding parts of my JOB. Though being able to meet different people is AWESOME, it doesn't pay me what I feel like I'm truly worth. If you have the entrepreneur spirit, you have it since birth. When giving up your time for 8-10 hours for someone else's gain and you are "Just Over Broke," you realize that the only way that you are going to ever be truly independent is by being your OWN boss. 

 Today is the first day to me becoming my own boss. For over two weeks now, I have absorbed so much reading through tutorials and forum posts, I have officially began the learning by doing stage. I just published my very first Squidoo lens and I feel great! Though I know that I have a long way to go and the average time to "success" is anywhere between  6 - 12 months, my goal is 3 months. I am ready to work hard everyday if that means that my future will be secure. I have spent too many years trying and failing, trying and failing with programs that turned out to be "Get Rich Quick." Wealthy Affiliate here has guaranteed my success as long as I work hard, follow their lessons and ACT. How can you fail? How can I fail? The only person who can stop me is ME and that's by either not acting or giving up. I intend on doing neither.

 My granddad always taught me that, "A man isn't lucky, but he makes his own luck...where ever he goes, whatever he does." I have began to visualize the lifestyle that I am going to have 6 months from now, a year from now. Being able to go to a restaurant and not have to check my bank account to make sure that I have enough in it...Being able to go to Town Square or a mall, see something that catches my eye and just buy it there on the spot...Being able to not quiver in fear of a bill collector when I check my mail. I am casting my luck right now with my beginnings here in WA and I am READY! =) See the rest of you at the TOP!

 -JaMarcus D. Perdue

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