The Importance of Goals...

Last Update: January 22, 2010

It seems like we Newbs hear this all over the place when we first join WA: "Set goals." We hear this ad nauseam, but it is the absolute truth. Internet Marketing is kind of like learning how to drive a stick-shift for the first time; that first gear is always the hardest to learn, but once you learn how to get out of first gear, the rest becomes smooth driving. As a newbie, you want to soak as much in as possible, as quickly as possible, due to the fear of doing something wrong or simply wasting time. However, how are you ever going to learn if you don't take action? How are you ever going to learn if you are afraid to fail?

Though I swore to myself that I wouldn't do it, I did. I joined 12/18, told myself that I was ready to start article marketing by Jan. 9th and chickened out again, because I was afraid to fail. A couple of days ago,  I made the decision to set ACHIEVABLE goals and take action.  For me, not only is writing 5+ articles a day exhausting, but its near impossible. Working 40+ hrs a week FT at my job doesn't allow me the sober state of mind to write that many articles effectively, but what I can manage is 3 articles per day. One in the morning, one at work and one when I get home. I implemented that and it feels great. I just got done writing my 4th. (It would have been my 6th article, but I realized after my first two were published, that I left out a very important aspect to drive traffic!) It's all about learning. 

I share my example for the other newbies who are also "learning how to drive their stick shift." Trust me, by your 4th article, it becomes so much easier and you get them done quicker, but you MUST take action. You must set REALISTIC and ACHIEVABLE goals weekly in order to achieve your ultimate goal of financial independence, so that we can all become another 6-Figure success story in the forum. Don't try to follow someone else's plan to the 'T' because it won't work for you. What you must do is take a moment to figure what CAN and will work with you. Once you do that, I assure you that you will get out of that first gear and start shifting smoothly. 


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