Success as I See It.

Last Update: June 13, 2012
I want to wake up each morning,
feeling good about things to come.
And lie down each night,
feeling better for things I have done.

At which point,
I can decree.
I have met with success,
And success has met with me.
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bk777 Premium
Simple and straight to the point; what a wonderful poem!
jpnetco Premium
Thank You.
veronica.l Premium
Very nice!!
jpnetco Premium
Thank You, ma'am.
jatdebeaune Premium
jpnetco Premium
Thank you, my dear.
BIS Premium
Agree with Amy - this is a love poem. Hope you don't mind I'm going to post a copy of it on Pinterest.
jpnetco Premium
Thank you coach, that means a lot to me coming from you, and I certainly don't mind at all. Guess I should have found an image to go along. Let me know how to find you on Pinterest, I'm on there as well and have enjoyed your tutorials for it. Thanks Again.
Amy Farr Premium
Nice poem!
jpnetco Premium
Thank You, Amy. Thanks, also for your second SA. Seriously folks, follow this lady and read her stuff, you'll be glad you did.