Pinteresting, Isn't It?

Last Update: July 17, 2012
Online commerce site Shopify also reported that buyers from Pinterest spend an
average of $80 per order  the highest amount of any social site and twice the
average of Facebook buyers.

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Deezdz Premium
I'm not as of yet but it's on my "to do list". Do you still need an invite for Pinterest?
@RICH. Premium
Nope. You can self-invite via Facebook or Twitter. Rich.
Deezdz Premium
Thanks Rich...good to know.
Diamondave Premium
Ash, Not shure I understand what your'e asking. I'm new here as well. I suggest you go over the recommened training and go on the live chat. You'll be well taken care. Everyone here is so good about helping.
ashcat Premium
Thanks, will do. But to clear up what i meant. Does pinterest allow its users to make a post/pin on their site where you can then add your affiliate links to ?
ashcat Premium
Sorry, new here. Not sure i understand... this site allows you to add your affiliate links the topic and images you add to their site?
Diamondave Premium
Very Pinteresting! And good news. Thank you.
georgejhaas Premium
Hi, No I am not using Pinterest yet. However, I am taking a course on it tomorrow and I really appreciate you sharing this information on the average order. It makes sense to include this for possible sales and potential earnings. Thank again for sharing this with WA members.
@RICH. Premium
Any chance of a blog post on your findings, George, if you have the time? It would be much appreciated. Full disclosure: I've just signed up to Pinterest!