Where Am I?

Last Update: July 24, 2012
I've been planning to plan a plan for my life
By hook and by crook, by day and by night
But in planning to plan this great plan just right
I fear I have planned me right out of my LIFE! - jlpauley

LIFE.... It's a terrible thing to waste.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying." ( Andy Dufresne- Shawshank Redemption)

Take ACTION today and get a little closer to your dreams.
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Renni Premium
For some reason, the poem reminds me of Ogden Nash...lol
Love it!!!
Thumbs up!
mama2karsten Premium
Deezdz Premium
You're posts are my inspiration this morning! =)
jatdebeaune Premium
That's very appropriate. Thank you. It's not a dress rehearsal either.
jpnetco Premium
Thank you, that is so true.