I just had a "brain shower"

Last Update: October 23, 2009

Yes - that's right. No brain storms... just a shower. But, now I'm excited and I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I've been hitting my head against the wall. I think I finally figured out a really great niche product - with great traffic. I'm thinking I should do a comparison lens. But, here is the kicker. The Keywords I would need to use to "categorize" the products are way to broad. Shoots my idea in the foot. I'll never get a page ranking if I use the broad keywords. So - why not make a lens for each specific product - Dah?! I'll have multiple lenses in no time, I'll link to them and hopefully have a better chance to cash in on the holiday rush. What was I thinking? Just got tangled up in my pantyhose.

So remember... less is more!!! Wish me luck



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TheAVlady Premium
You're funny! You need to be sure and use that style in your writing where appropriate!