Its about time....

Last Update: December 03, 2009

Hi Gang,

It seems like I have been waiting a long time to make this post. I finally did it. Yes, I made my first sale. What? You didn't hear me let out that huge cry. I think it was more of a cry of relief. I've been working and reading and studying and practicing, etc. etc. etc. and nothing! So having this sale was the push I needed to go on. I'm really excited and psyched to put together a big 2010 business plan. Yes, I am a planner. So with the new year coming I'll put together a game plan and I'm going to stick to it like glue. I'm so bound and determined to make this work. 


I hear lot of people talking about the hundred of thousands or even millions they make. Hey, I'm not greedy. I just want to make a decent living. Take the burden off. Save for my kids college and my retirement. Not much to ask. If anyone is reading this and wants to buddy along - let's do it together. Its easier if we work together. Send me a note.

Good luck!




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Kleist Premium
Very glad to hear it. I am still studying and practising but haven't had a sale yet. I'll add you to my buddy list, if that's okay!

Carson Premium Plus
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