My Article Was STOLEN!

Last Update: March 17, 2010

I can't believe it. I've worked sooooo hard to get some decent ORIGINAL articles written and appoved (!) by EZA and do you believe someone swiped my work??? What gets me so MAD is that the person took the first section and then spun or just dropped it into some article machine which switched the words a few words. When you read the article it is TOTALLY obvious that the idiot didn't even proof read the final copy. With the "changed" words in it, it doesn't even make sense! So rediculous. 

This article was in the pet/dog niche. The article was pretty funny when you think of "house break" switched with "domestic burglery". I don't know any pet owner that had to check with his Vet to make sure the puppy was physically ready before he starting to  "domestic burglery" their pet.

Sorry gang, just need to vent.

Anyway, I sent him a note to either remove it or copy it in total with my links.

For anyone who might read this... is there anything else I can do to this swine?

Crazy - I just read Kyle's blog only yesterday regarding UNETHICAL PRACTICES.

Just goes to show you, it can happen to anyone.



Thanks for listening.


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Slugger_mn Premium
That does suck! I hate it when I find my articles without my links!! Some people are just lazy... ):