Day 18 - Frustrated

Last Update: February 28, 2010

Well, things have definitely slowed down a little.

I've written 45 Ezine articles plus at least two dozen solely for backlinks. I wrote 6 Squidoo lenses and 4 hubpages, and 6 blogger blogs. I took down my website because I felt it was inferior to the product retailer's landing page.

I'm listed on the first page of google for three of my keywords. 0 sales, 0 order form impressions.

I get about 10 people a day who click on my hoplinks, although really it's often less than that. 

My plan today was to buy the trial of "the best spinner" and spin all 45 of my ezine articles for backlinks, but it turns out that it's windows software and I have a mac, so I'm out 7$. 

I didn't expect to get rich at this point, but I expected a sale. 

The only thing to do now - find a way to keep writing articles on a topic that I've written myself into the ground with, learn how to install wordpress on a mac and get a better website built, get the aweber trial and build an opt-in page, and see whether I can at least tell myself "you did everything you could".

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