Starting my First Campaign

Last Update: January 22, 2010

Well, I've hung around and learned for a couple of weeks now. I chose a niche, a product, and I'm writing articles. Although I still face newbie IM syndrome (i.e. overwhelmed by information), things are starting to come together in my mind.

However, it's a difficult time for me to start. I just lost my job teaching English here in Taiwan. It hurt a little bit. I put a lot of work into learning to teach English and got thrown away pretty quickly because I "took too many sick days". The whole thing has further cemented my perspective on wage labor. If you can avoid it, you're better off. 

So my first campaign is being launched in the midst of of chaos. I'm taking a quick trip to Thailand (a lovely country I have great memories in) for a visa run, and returning to find another English teaching job. I wish I could just do Internet Marketing full time, but that's too much pressure and I know it takes time to earn money at this.

So here's to everyone who has made their success while juggling all the balls that life throws at you. I hope to join you someday. Cheers.



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Slugger_mn Premium

Good luck, just remember to do everything so that it serves a purpose!

Wish you well!
