Day 8 - Diversifying

Last Update: February 21, 2010

Well Chinese New Year is over and I think I've spent my time well.

My content is now - 32 Ezine articles with 3 pending, 4 hubpages, 6 Squidoo lenses, 6 blogger blogs. I'm waiting on Ezine to give me a platinum status so I can keep churning out Ezine articles.

I'm getting about 20 page views a day at my landing page/website. Everything I'm doing now is essentially to increase traffic to that landing page and my Squidoo lenses (1 pageview total right now).

I'm #1 on google for an Ezine article with one of my keywords (750 searches a month) but that article doesn't seem to be performing that well. Maybe it needs some time. I'm scared it will fall in the rankings, so I've been backlinking to it through Squidoo and blogger, and I'm going to Free Traffic System soon to give it some juice.

Today I learned a little about RSS, went to and got my blogs RSS feeds and submitted them to 1 RSS directory. I'm going to submit those feeds to some more directories today and tomorrow, and continue to update those blogs for backlinks and indexing purposes. If they get any traffic it's a bonus. I'm not sure how powerful backlinks from blogger are. Despite the fact that blogger is a high PR site, It seems strange that they would be very valuable. I could create 100 blogger blogs a day and fill 'em with links pretty easily.

After all this work, I regret a bit that I didn't choose a niche with more low competition keywords. I'm in the "learn Chinese" niche and I have a lot of competitors. Most of the search terms are out of reach for me. I have six that I'm focusing on, but I'm listed on the front page of google for two of them. It might be an uphill backlinking battle to get listed for the other 4 terms, and even if I am listed I've just about exhausted my options at that point (other than learning PPC marketing).

I love writing for the niche though, and I know people are making money it. So I'm still waiting for a sale, and I'm not slowing down.


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MarketingMan Premium
I see you started on the article marketing side, I went for the learn PPC marketing first end of it myself. I started putting my site together based off keyword research done using Micro Niche Finder. I later found out with further learning and research that the niche I choose was also dominated by very powerful and established sites with lots of competition. I had to put my campaign on hold because I figured I had a lot more to learn before I go out and lose all my money. Im a believer in just jump in and do it (sink or swim) mentality is the best way to learn, but the lesson I learned is to actually check to see how many sharks are in the water before I jump in. This is all part of the learning curve, give it some time and it will all fall together I guess. I did check your site and read some of your articles which were very informative, I just wish I had your ability to crank out quality articles like you lol. I like the work your doing maybe you just havent hit your money niche yet. Keep trying and you should be fine.