About Kelzero2sixty
Joined September 2008
My ultimate goal in life is to make enough money to be able to take a vacation somewhere, that is long enough, so I can learn how to surf! I don't think this is unrealisitic at all! I work super hard at my current job, I am an Emergency Veterinary Technologist and I think that how succesful you are really depends on how hard you work. Having said that however, everyone needs to remember that just because you can work 200 hours a month, doesn't mean you should! I forget that quite often....In my not so spare time, I like running, hanging out with my dog and socializing with my friends. That's me! Oh yah, I'm totally addicted to Starbucks...I don't know what they put in it but I can't believe I got through 27 years of my life without it!
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TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA. Click on my pic for my tutorials. Are you doing your lessons? My Number 3 son is a vet here in ID. He is building a new clinic that should have been finished in Aug. Your pic makes me want to go back to Seaside, OR where we spend a few days last week. We should have stayed there longer. Lessons! John
TJ Books Premium
My son has been on his own for a fairly long time. When he was in Oregon, they wanted him to be a partner but he thought that was "golden handcuffs.) So he moved to Idaho with the cows. He left dairy recently because, as you know, preg checks destroy the arm. He is strickly small animal now. He also is the city pound. His clinic became too small. With cows, you hardly need a clinic. Fine on your long squidoo article. Here is a very important thing for you to know: I you use www.ezinearticles.com or other article sites that have a resource box where you are allowed to put an affiliate URL make sure you put a very good ad or two in that box. Here is the reason: The Search Engines like Google read that resource box just as if it is text of the article. So put your keywords in that ad. It is very important. It is very powerful. I really didn't know this until yesterday. I sold a flagpole when I had paused my PPC before vacation a couple of weeks ago. I went to google and put in my keywords and up came the information in my source boxes. I haven't asked my customer, but I think that is how he found my site. Even if he found my site on the second page of Google, I'm still glad that they read the source box because I use to be on the fifth page or so. I'm moving up in Google. I think my search box was on 3 or 4 times on Google's first page. John
TJ Books Premium
Oh, I was at Seaside, OR south of Seattle on the OR/WA border. I came through Hawaii on my way home from Korea. I didn't go ashore because I was Sergeant of the Guard on the ship. I watched the hands unload seven coffins of dead GIs. There was no one there to greet them. I have been back to Hawaii several times on my way home from Japan. I mainly got some rest and hopped a jet for home. So, I need to go there on vacation some day before I croak. John
TJ Books Premium
The 20-Steps to Internet Marketing is up on my personal page if you would like to take a look at it. It's free. John
TJ Books Premium
I was looking at your note and when I say the secret to success at WA is to do the lessons and to immediately contact either Kyle or Carson for personal tutoring, I don't mean my lessons, I mean the 8-week Action Plan with the related tutorials, tools, and downloads. That is the ticket! John
TJ Books Premium
Hi, K! For your info, after my first four months at WA, I made almost $700 in Sept. I couldn't have done it without Carson and I did it all with Bum Marketing. John
TJ Books Premium
Have Kyle or Carson, whoever is your tutor, look at your lens. It is slow going getting the first lens for some folks but things get better as you go along. You will need a bunch of lenses. We were at Seaside Oregon after visiting my son and his family in Seattle. Our winter here in Idaho was awful last year. We are going down to AZ when things get too cold this year. I've been to Hawaii a few times, usually resting there on my way home from Japan and Korea. Now, do something everyday. Make sure you submit our lens URL to search engines, something I've got to do, and go to PingOMatic.com and ping them. John
TJ Books Premium
Another thing, K. Make sure you ping your Squidoo lenses at PingOMatic.com You will need the title of the lens, the URL and the Feed RSS. Let me know if you have a problem doing this. John
TJ Books Premium
I'm working on a new site. Let me know what you think of my approach. We men know little about what a woman's point-of-view is. The site is http://www.get-rid-of.org Thanks! John
TJ Books Premium
Well, my son's vet clinic is about finished. It has been a long time. The longer a project, the more it cost. Anyway, I think he should be in the place soon. So how are you doing marketing wise? I did pretty good in Sep and I'm making sales this month but I don't know if I will do as well as Sept. John
TJ Books Premium
Hi, Kellie!
Just wondering how you are doing with WA. Are you hanging in there? John
TJ Books Premium
My neighbor got a new lab puppy Saturday. She lost two labs in a short time and went into mourning. Finally, she found another pup and she is happy again. She always gets white labs and I have known four of them. My black lab was put to sleep by my son in his old age. I left him with my son and drove back to AZ. I didn't want to be there when he gave it that last shot. John
TJ Books Premium
I sent you a personal message. John
TJ Books Premium
Merry Christmas, K if you are still around. John
TJ Books Premium
My son finished his vet clinic and he has increased business. John
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Hi John! Send good wishes from me to your son for success in his new clinic! That's really the way to get ahead in this industry is to become an owner. As a tech we are limited to profit sharing and in my province are not aloud to own. Thus the need to find other ways to make more money! I am working through the tutorials but I feel like I'm not getting enough information at once so I will definetly give a look at your lessons. I wrote one article so far, for Squidoo. It ended up being extremely long and took me about 6 hours! I'm still not happy with it but I guess at least now I have a feel for it.

Which seaside do you visit? That pic of me was taken in Kona, Hawaii. I so can't wait to get back or even move there someday. I think I am not meant for the cold, Canadian winters!

Take care, Kellie
Mark K Premium
Welcome to WA!

Take the time to join in on the forums, its where you will learn the most stuff about IM. The learning center here is also a good start!

You have any ideas of what niche your would like to start in?
Mark K Premium
What do you mean "I'll have to ask one of the veterinarians I work with if Liverpool FC is any good" lol!! You dont need to ask, they are good! ;-)

Yeah i've had some success since joining WA, been a member since the middle of May, made about $3500. Which isnt too bad i guess. works out at roughly $1000 per month, which is $1000 more than i was expecting :-P

Its worth choosing you knwo something about, as you can relate to your "customers" more, and talk about the niche in more depth without having to learn it. You can of course choose something else, but be prepared to do a bit more work.

I've mainly received my sales via PPC marketing, as i dont get too much time to write articeles, although i am pushing myself to commit more time to IM. I want to take it more serioously asap so i can make a regular income from it.

My next niche is going to be the weight loss industry simple because it is so large, and it is always a hot niche to promote, no matter what time of year. Now is a good time to start as well as Christmas will boost sales if marketed right.

If you need any help, or extra advice you cant find here at WA, give me a shout and ill gladly do what ever i can :)
Mark K Premium
That sounds like the prefect topic for you! As your field of work is working with pets you should have no problem writing articles about them. One thing you need to do now is choose a niche from the pet industry as there are so many. I recommend heading over to Google's keyword tool at


From there you can drill down to a niche just by using a broad word.

Example: Broad word - Dog

Dog grooming
Dog grooming equipment
Professional dog grooming equipment - NICHE!!!

Thats just a quick example to show you how to find a niche within an industry. There are others ways too, and you will learn them soon :)

Just remember a niche is a specific topic and thats where the money is!
Mark K Premium
Thanks for the gold :)

Squidoo is the best route to take when starting off, as its probably the easiest to set up. Theres a few tips n tricks to building optimized squidoo lenses, i think theres a whole tutorial in the learning center about it. Worth reading that before creating your article.

Dont forget, 1 article will not make you money, you will need to create several if you want to make a regular income. People tend to think, "oh ive created an article, ill wait to see if its profitable" and dont bother creating any more, then wonder why they haven't made any sales.

A sticky post is on the forums. They are usually important or very useful posts that are "stuck" to the top of the lists so users can find them easier. You will see lots of them on the forum always at the top.
Mark K Premium
What i would do iss write the articles on your comp, wait till week 2 and make sure you read some more tutorials in the learning center, and when confident, publish a few articles per day, see how it goes. I mean you could start building your articles up already and not publish them till you feel you have read enough hints and tips to make some success with them.

Dont forget just writing articles isnt enough, you then need to direct traffic to them, so make sure you learn the traffic guidlines too!

I live in the south of the UK, 30 miles outside of London, in a town called Luton. I'd be very surprised if you'd heard of it! Where abouts are you from then?
Mark K Premium
I dont know who is trying to fool you but Liverpool are in a different league to Everton, Liverpool are world class, where as Everton are just mediocre! And to prove it Everton played last night against Standard Liege, and could only manage a draw (2-2) where as Liverpool beat the same team 2 weeks earlier! Facts dont lie! :-P

There is a lot of history between the clubs and your are right, there is rivalry when they play each other, but like no other rivals we actually get along, we are probably the only two teams where by familys can be in the same stand and get along, even when one team scores!

How many articles have you written then? :P
Mark K Premium
Hey Kellie,

Sorry for not replying faster, been extremly busy lately.

With regards to Squidoo, the trick to being high rank is not to make a super long article and hope people like it. Simple add an article of 300-500 words and let it "settle in" as it were. Then add to it every other day, adding modules, and more content. Then watch your rank shoot up :)

Becuase you are updating it regularly squidoo will rank it higher as you are providing more and more content and not just spamming articles for profit.

You can try hubpages, blogger, wikidot just to name a few other article websites :)

All the best

Kelzero2sixty Premium
Hi Mark! Thanks for the welcome and info. To answer your question, no I don't have a niche I'm interested in yet. To be honest I am totally green and have no clue what to do!!! But apparently this week is supposed to be kinda chill and I'm gonna get familiar with the materials and meet some people. How long have you been IM'ing for? Any sucess yet?

A football fan! I'll have to ask one of the veterinarians I work with if Liverpool FC is any good...she lives part time in the UK and loves football too.

Take care, Kellie
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Well then you have made $3500 more than me! Congrats on your sucess so far. Oh and just this instant I have figured out a niche, pet care. It's fitting seeing how that is my proffesion and I have a wealth of knowledge already! The pet care industry is a multi-million dollar industry so I'm bound to run into some profit there. I think I'll start with the article writing, people say it's more work but apparently you don't have to invest money? Which is great because right now I have about $20 in the bank until pay day!

Go Liverpool! Cheers! Kellie
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Again thank you! I gave you some of my precious gold....I think that is the best way to say thanks! You seem like you have a handle on this thing we call IM'ing. I'm gonna start an article tommorow I think. Or at least start signing up for everything that I need to make an article. I'm going the Squidoo route, seems like the best thing for beginners. Question...what on earth is a sticky post?
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Ok, I'm really gonna try to do 2 articles per day.  Do you think I should wait until week 2 of the action plan before I submit anything.  I wouldn't want to severely mess things up!  You've been such a great help so far, I'm gonna keep bombarding you with questions until you tell me to stop!  Much appreciated though...

Where do you live in the UK? I don't know much about it only that Selfridges has good shopping, it's an island and it seems years ahead of the rest of the "civilized" world, medicinally and otherwise.
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Awesome, thanks again! That's kinda what I though I would do...write the articles but not publish them. I have to look at few examples though to get me started. And learn about traffic...yikes!

I live right in the middle of Canada. In Manitoba, 10 minutes outside of Winnipeg. It's ok for the time being, but I wanna live somewhere fun like Hawaii! Do people surf in the UK?
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Ok, don't get mad...try to contain yourself...the word from my veterinarian at work is that Everton is waaaaaaaay better than Liverpool! Apparently there used to be quite a religious conflict between the teams way back when and they are now rivals. The history is very interesting.

Oh and I haven't heard of Luton, but my vet has, she says there is an airport there that she has flown in and out of.

Kelzero2sixty Premium
Hey Mark! Well I've only written one article so far, it took me 6 bloody hours and I am still not happy with it! But I guess the point of week 2 is to get a feel for what it's like to do key word research and submit an article...I'm still not sure if I researched my keywords correctly but at least I tried. do you write articles? I'm a little confused because they recommend that articles be between 300-500 words but on Squidoo it seems like all the articles that are ranked in the top are super long....I want to submit to other sites but it seems you need a website to submit to a larger number of them so I guess I'll just stick to Squidoo for now. Anyhoo, talk to you later!
Kelzero2sixty Premium
You're the best Mark! I totally get it now! Start with small articles and add to them, gotcha....I'm gonna publish articles on other sites eventually, as soon as I get a landing or webpage. I do like Squidoo though because it's easy to set up.

I haven't really had alot of time to write more articles but I'm not as worried as I once was....I've got alot to figure out and I don't want to overload my brain. It's like I get to work now and I can only think about articles! I dream about Squidoo, pretty lame huh? But I have a few really good ideas on the go, so I just have to make time to write them up.

How's things going on your end?

What do you call the finals in football? Like in Canada we have the Grey Cup and the USA has the Superbowl...

Amir Premium
You're a Emergency Veterinary Tech ?! I have so much respect for you...Thank you. And, for that you have me at your disposal. I will help you (and many others) with any questions that come up.
Yes, for helping animals, the least I can do is shorten your learning curve here at WA.

Kelzero2sixty Premium
Hi Amir! Wow, thanks for the kind words! It's nice to meet a fellow animal lover....and you do rescue work, that has got to be one of the most challenging jobs in the animal health industry! You are absolutely right, the real challenge does come with saving a life! Too often we can't do enough and save that life but we try until the end and that is the most important part. I don't know if I could ever fully leave my job even when I'm hopefully making good money. I have too much of a passion for it and I would miss it terribly! That is a cute picture of your cat! What's his/her name?

Well I hope you realize that with your offer to help, I may bombard you with questions! You can tell me to back off at anytime! I am completely new to this and don't have a clue. But having said that, I am a fast learner so maybe that will help.

Take care, Kellie
dappa_dan Premium
dappa_dan Premium
Hey Kelzero,
My best advice would be to get started and not get hung up on all the reading. Its really easy to feel overwhelmed as I have and I waste allot time trying to learn everything. It helps to know some basic html for setting blogs and building some web pages. For newbies, Travis's bum marketing method is a good start but can involve allot of work initially. My favorite marketer and e book that I think really lays out a good plan is "The Lazy Marketer", though initially I would scour the forums in WA, there are some really top notch posts from successful members, but these people have taken action and is what makes the difference. Don't get hung up on purchasing every e-book out there. Its all re-hashed material and most of what you see being sold is the same material. Just my two cents, hope it helps you.
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Hello Dan! Thanks for the welcome! I'm feeling a little in over my head right now but I'm hoping everyone does at first. Sounds like you have tons of experience....any advice for a newbie who doesnt' even know where to begin? Can I actually make any money if I have a budget of $0.00?

Hope you reach your sucess this time around! Take care, Kellie
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Thanks! I'll take your advice into consideration. Good luck with everything, and stay in touch!
C. Premium
Welcome to WA :)
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Hey there! Thanks for the welcome, I'll keep your helping nature in mind and call on you soon for advice...you sound very busy! Hope you still have time to enjoy all your sucesses! ;)