Posts by Khairul Anwar 7
Only after a year or so I realized how important it is to treat my internet marketing career as a business instead of like a job.  When I first started out, I wanted to do it all on my own and do it underground...sort of. But little did I know how much work to put in in order to be successful in internet marketing, and in business.  An online business is still a business, and should be treated like one. Recently, I've been keeping myself busy with reading business books by successful p
This information is very valuable. It really is worth sharing.About this video: Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers -- and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be strugglingBest lines:"People Buy WHY You Do It, Not WHAT You DO"
I think I am about to mark December 2010 as the month that I am taking my Internet Marketing career full time. Whoa...this is kind of scary and exciting for me. Challenges and opportunities lies ahead of me, and I am up for it.  It has been 6 months since I've joined Wealthy Affiliate, and I can safely say that Internet Marketing is my future and being successful is the only choice for me. There will be no excuse to quit. How much have I made? To be completely honest with you guys, I am not
Wow..I can't believe the amount of work that I accomplished in the first 15 days through the WA article marketing club. Finally I can get my article approved my ezine articles, and I have almost 15+ approved by now and several pending for review. Now I'm in control with the free traffic formula.  It really is heck a lot of work to do. But I am getting better at writing articles now. I am able to create a 500+ word optimized article under 30 minutes now. And I am scaling my work up to go fo
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Hye there WA buddies, So I have reached the 30th day of the first WA PPC Club and I would like to share with you guys what have I learned in the past 30 days, and most importantly a self reminder to myself for the coming days. First of all I would like to say is "Thank you very much Kyle & Carson for conducting this club!" guys have made huge commitment to sacrifice your time that you could have used to make more money for yourself. Before this I was kinda lost with all the t
Thanks kyle andcarson for organizing this WA Clubs. Although I wasn't excepted into the WA Article Marketing Club...but, I just got accepted with the WA PPC Club. I just did day 1...bought a new domain ( kinda broad to promote WA. I had a domain ( but that domain's keyword are kinda limited for wealthy-affiliate related promotions. So I took kyle & Carson's advice, go a little broad so I can promote other related keywords wi
June 07, 2010
Whew... I am already a month being a WA member. Even though I have been marketing for a few months, I need to restart all over again because of all the mistakes I made before. I'm pretty impressed with all the resources available here at WA. And eager to learn them all.... I know its a lot to take in. But...bring it on! :) I would say my first month was ok, I managed to make several affiliate sales and recruits for my business. I managed to make 2 WA affiliate sales last month which covers my mo