Refresh: New Start

Last Update: June 07, 2010


I am already a month being a WA member. Even though I have been marketing for a few months, I need to restart all over again because of all the mistakes I made before. I'm pretty impressed with all the resources available here at WA. And eager to learn them all.... I know its a lot to take in. But...bring it on! :)

I would say my first month was ok, I managed to make several affiliate sales and recruits for my business. I managed to make 2 WA affiliate sales last month which covers my monthly WA subscription...

Now I need to set new goals.  My next goal is to make 20 WA sales which would make $1000 extra a month.I'm still studying all the required materials, already set up my WA blog,  and I all pumped and ready to go!

Hope to get support from my WA collegues. :)

Luv yall...


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Khairul Anwar Premium
Thanks bob! There's still lots of work to do. And i still need to focus on my plans. Thx for the support... :)
klrrider Premium
Glad to hear you are off to a good start! Keep it up!