WA PPC Club - I'm in and ready to rock and roll

Last Update: September 21, 2010

Thanks kyle andcarson for organizing this WA Clubs. Although I wasn't excepted into the WA Article Marketing Club...but, I just got accepted with the WA PPC Club.

I just did day 1...bought a new domain ( InternetMarketingExercises.com) kinda broad to promote WA. I had a domain (official-Wealthy-Affiliate-Blog.com) but that domain's keyword are kinda limited for wealthy-affiliate related promotions. So I took kyle & Carson's advice, go a little broad so I can promote other related keywords within the 'MMO' niche.

I've got my YSM/Bing account setup and also my DNS linked. can't wait for the next step. I'm pumped up and ready to go...

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Khairul Anwar Premium
Thx for the encouragement guys. Can't wait to do more work and hoping to see results next month
bkb2012 Premium
Congrats! Best to you. You won't regret it!
andys43us Premium
All the best!!