Posts by Killxp 4
February 05, 2010
Hey everyone, Just thought I would pass along some info to everyone in my buddy network. While using FTS I ran into Web Traffic Flow (WTF, hehehe) which comes recommended by FTS. Just like FTS it should not be the source of your traffic but it is worth putting some hours every week into it. You will definitely see results and save time (once again) just like FTS.   If you are not already using Free Traffic System (FTS) get on board:
December 31, 2009
Hey everyone, For those of you that do not already know, I created a resource a couple of days ago aimed at new WA members. As I had been getting the same kind of negative feedback along the lines of "information overload", "I don't know where to start", "I keep getting lost in the information" I decided try put together a compilation of resources that will help everyone get introduced to the idea of affiliate marketing, easy access to helpful tools here at WA and e
Alright! I have my first ad activated! I am advertising with Yahoo and taking advantage of all 50 keywords for this one campaign. I kind of strayed from the path of IM for a couple of weeks to catch up on finals but I am free now so here goes. Wish me luck. God Bless!  P.S. Oh and yeah... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
December 11, 2009
Hello Everyone, If you haven't guessed already, this is where I am going to be posting my results for my WA campaign. I will be going to PPC route mostly with maybe a little help from article marketing. This will not only be my first time promoting WA but also my first shot at PPC marketing. Might as well start with a proven product right? Hopefully this will help all you out there with your WA campaigns and even your PPC in general. I am hoping to generate some real income. My goal is 2 sales a