WA Super Affiliate Kickoff

Last Update: January 03, 2010

Hello Everyone,

If you haven't guessed already, this is where I am going to be posting my results for my WA campaign. I will be going to PPC route mostly with maybe a little help from article marketing. This will not only be my first time promoting WA but also my first shot at PPC marketing. Might as well start with a proven product right? Hopefully this will help all you out there with your WA campaigns and even your PPC in general. I am hoping to generate some real income. My goal is 2 sales a day everyday for a year. If every member stays on for at least 3 months (average is 7) this will be $3600/month ($43200/year). It is below the median income here in the US but I get the luxury of working at home for myself. Also there are no external costs (travel time, gas, misc expenses). Wish me luck. God Bless!

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