New Resource For New WAs

Last Update: December 31, 2009

Hey everyone,

For those of you that do not already know, I created a resource a couple of days ago aimed at new WA members. As I had been getting the same kind of negative feedback along the lines of "information overload", "I don't know where to start", "I keep getting lost in the information" I decided try put together a compilation of resources that will help everyone get introduced to the idea of affiliate marketing, easy access to helpful tools here at WA and elsewhere, as well as step-by-step instruction with signing up with an affiliate network and checking tracking links.

 I decided to cover all the information that was covered in the WA Getting Started guide (I also link to some very informative pages) but made sure that I used resources from experienced members who gave a narrowed focus to their topic of expertise. I am hoping that this gets better feedback than the WA Getting Started guide (7.97/10 from 258 votes) which is much more dazzling than my simple text. I would love all of your feedback and I really hope that this helps out a lot of new members. Take care.


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