About Kimdebra
Joined June 2008
Hello Fellow WA's,
My name is kim and I live in Melbourne, Australia. Am a grandmother to 2, Edee 2 1/2 and Jackson 5mths.
I use to reside on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and during winters in Melbourne wish I was back there.
My partner is Max and I have three children, 2 sons and a daughter.
My hobbies when I get a chance are painting, reading and would like to try my hand at mosaics sometime.
My current interest is working at being an affiliate marketer and my short term goal is to work out the basics.
I love to travel, though not keen on the long flights in between.
My picture is a couple of years old now and one day I will get around to updating it.
Say hello, I would love to hear from you.
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Recent messages
elmo033057 Premium
I'm always here to help! God Bless ! ELMO
kimdebra Premium
Hello Fellow WA's,
My name is Kim and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am currently going through the 8 week course and hope to be a successful WA. So I will be relying on all you pro's out there for some expertise and guidance.
I imagine it will be a fun trip and look forward to meeting you all.
Kim ;o) From the Land Down Under
kimdebra Premium
Well thank you Jane. I actually grew up in SA. Now there's a coincidence. Look forward to getting to know you.
Thank you for your wishes.

K ;o) F.T.L.D.U.
kimdebra Premium
Hello Soundmagus and Romulus,
Thank you for your welcome and I will also checkout Travis's BumMarketing Course.
Missionman Premium
so about you !
Missionman Premium
and the profile
kimdebra Premium
Hi Peter,
I'm a newbie myself. Want to set myself up for retirement. Good luck and welcome to WA. ;o)
kimdebra Premium
Hi Missionman, Sorry for the late response. I am still finding my way around the website and it took awhile to find your message. Live in Melbourne, Aust. Looking forward to getting my head around all this. Currently on week 2 and i have access to 4 now, so a little behind. This website is like a labyrinth that takes you off in different directions to the point sometimes that you forget where you started. I am sure I will get the hang of it. Hopefully your motto will rub off on me a little. Catch ya for now
Hursty Premium
Hi Kimdebra,
I just joined yesterday after trying another program and I am so impressed with WAU that it was all I could do last night to pry myself off the computer and get some sleep! And here I am first thing in the morning cup of coffee at it again. It's the people that make it and I'm impressed. Good luck, be open to new possibilities that you may not have thought of. I always ask a question to the universe, God, whatever it is for you, like, "what could I sell, or promote that would be a really good thing for many?" I'll bet your grandchildren are as awesome as mine!

kimdebra Premium
Hello Hursty,
Nice to meet you and thank you for making contact. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all this, but know it won't take long. I just wish I had more time to spend learning the ropes and doing the 8 wk course. It seems to be taking forever.
My grandchildren are beautiful of course, I have one of each. My grand-daughter lives too far away to see her regularly, but I try to visit at least once a year. My grandson lives closeby. He's 5mths.
It's going to be an interesting ride, what the heck it already is interesting. I am looking forward to telling a success story instead of just reading about them.
Welcome and catch ya soon
silverlotus Premium
Hello kimdebra,
Finding a Niche isn't hard, just do a little brain storming and think about your favorite things. It helps to keep your motivation level up to focus on things that your interested in sharing with others. If you want to get started and give yourself time to sort things out you can start with promoting WA. That way you know you'll have a great product and alot of the leg work is already in place. Good luck.
silverlotus Premium
Dear kimdebra, I am so glad that I could help to ease the way for you. I would like very much for you to stay in touch with me. If I can be of help to you just let me know. In the meantime, I may run into you in the forum. Peace and Blessings.
kimdebra Premium
Hello Silverlotus,
Thank you for your inspiration just when I needed it. I think it's a good idea too to start with WA and will get right to it. Your an interesting lady and I can see a genuine caring there for everyone. If you don't mind I would like to stay in touch, I can see you as my inspirational mentor and you won't have to really say anything. Your blogs are doing it for you. Thank you