My First Blog

Last Update: August 20, 2012
I just launched my first blog on Blogger. I am yet to buy a domain, but I was just testing with this particular blog. It is on my niche interest, movies. I was wondering if you guys could comment on it and share your opinions. I have tried using the Amazon affiliate program.
I have read several tutorials on how to increase blog traffic. I was wondering if any of you would just share your opinions on it and that would help me get on the right track. Thanks a lot :D
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Great first blog, Personally I like simple and clean designs over "busy and Artsy" and would like to see the wall paper in an narrow horizontal border at top with the header with large letters or possible a thin vertical stripe on one side or the other and a large more neutral colored background that lets me focus on your writing and such. Also as the number of post grow, I like as an reader to maybe see an current article excerpt or two with read more options and then have drop down options for different catigories and also having an page with all the new tittles with links to youtube for each trailer and you could even have an page with older favorite movies of yours with your articles about each one, youtube and your link to amazon would work well also, good luck and you are off to a great start.
kapp Premium
quickdraw made some good observations there. I can only add that it would be a good idea to use paragraphs to break up that block of text. Good luck with your site :)