Staying Positive Vs. Overoptimism

Last Update: August 17, 2012
I will keep this one short. We keep hearing the mantra from success gurus all the time - "Stay Positive". It could mean a host of things depending on the situation you find yourself in.
For instance, if your Internet connection is down and you have tried all the tweaks you know, and you even tried contacting the Internet vendor and technician, but to no avail, and you realize that your connection is gonna be down for quite a while, more than the break that you can afford, "staying positive" could very well mean trying to find a solution. It could mean thinking out of the box even. Most of the hurdles we call problems in our day to day lives can be solved by a little innovation. In fact, we can take heart from the fact that we do it all the time - fixing things unconventionally, making that new and clever dish, visiting a new place, taking an adventurous route and so on. Sometimes, we may even need to cross self-imposed borders. Opening up your horizon, letting go of prejudices, inhibitions and unwarranted fears - are all part of the personal developmental process that has a cumulative impact on improving society as well as you, the individual. The more we acquire these qualities, the more we grow.

But I think it not good to be too "positive", almost to the point of being overoptimistic. In fact, optimism might not be the best of allies in the most difficult of times. Staying "real", on the other hand, may be a better option. Clear, rational thinking, by identifying key issues, problems and parameters, and then establishing links between them can help find solutions.
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mama2karsten Premium
Your article is precise,clear and to the point... Nice job... :)