Will I Go To Vegas In 2009?

Last Update: September 16, 2009

Last year I joined WA in January and really thought I'd make it to Vegas this year.

Well, unfortunately I didn't. I thought it would have been really easy...easier than I thought.

Of course, I wasn't prepared at all...I was just learning how to market and kinda got a late start on things. The year wasn't bad at all...I got maybe 30 referrals...far from qualifying.

This year now that I know what I'm doing, I am definitely aiming for 300 referrals and hope to make it to Vegas in 2009. With more than 300 days left in the year, we all have a head start and less than 1 referral a day should get us there.

So I've decided I'd keep you up to date on where I am in terms of qualifying for Vegas...or an Ipod Touch (200 referrals).

To date (Feb 10) I have 12 referrals out of 300 which leaves me with 288 to go. I'll keep updating the blog and let you know how I'm progressing.


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