Niche Feast 2.0 - 10 More Sites To Get Niche Ideas

Last Update: September 16, 2009

If you remember Kyle and Carson's Thanksgiving Day bonus Niche Feast then you will love this little list I put together while cleaning up my bookmarks.

I'm just gonna keep it short...some sites that I use to look for niche ideas. Got a whole bookmark full of them so I figured in the spirit of the holiday season, I'd give you guys something.

So, shall we?

1. Wikipedia Future Products

From upcoming software products, books, albums and games you can get in the know and prepare ahead of time before your competitors even hear about them.

2. Web MD
Focusing on the health and fitness niche? Hang around WebMd. I don't think there's anything they don't cover. Finding a niche as well as information for articles and promotions is easy with this Health related authority site. 

3. ZdNet Top Searches
200 of the top searched keywords on Zdnet - see what software people are searching for. People want software to fix a problem or get a task done efficiently - save time etc so finding a niche here shouldn't be too hard.

4. A-Z List
A-Z List of all the categories and topics covered by authors. Pick one and become an expert.

5. Yahoo BuzzLog
I always check Yahoo Buzz Log to see what's hot in the searches. They post some great lists from time to time.

6. Wisegeek
Thought this was a really cool site. Lots of questions organized by categories, with answers. Some stuff I haven't even heard of...but thats the idea.

7. Barnes & Noble Top 10 Everything
OMG...I just found something I'm gonna pursue. I don't know how these things end up in my bookmarks & I just get wowed when I find them again.  Top 10  lists of best sellers at Barnes & Noble.

 8. Howcast
Videos to show you how to do stuff. How to searches are very popular so next time you come across a great 'how to' keyword, Howcast probably has something on it. Take notes.

9. SeoMoz | Popular Searches
This one is just cool...I meant Cool with a capital C. Hot searches...well they say it better...
"This is an aggregation of popular search queries gathered from various sources across the web. This list is updated once per day."

10. 43 Things - Popular Goals
Where there's a group of people that have one thing in common, then you got yourself a least if they spend money. This one is cool. A list of goals in order of popularity that people want to accomplish. Learn Spanish, play guitar, check it out.

Took a while to finish this list, but at least I found something I wanted to look into when I got to Barnes & Noble.

Hope you like it.

Happy niche research.


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Isabelle Premium
I am picking a niche right now, and this will definitly help me. Thank you! =)