Posts by Kristeneva 4
I am tired-boned tired-and frustrated. I have been spending hours upon hours reading, taking notes, watching tutorials and trying new things in IM. I have two lenses up, a couple of .info pages and have the drafts of my first cohesive campaign drawn up and ready to move. So, what's holding me up? Site Rubix.   I cannot get my updated pages to show up on the web. It keeps showing my old pages. So, I have spent two days trying to find alternative website design programs.But, I
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February 20, 2010
I have started a new campaign,fresh and clean, with article marketing.I like the way PotPieGirl puts forth and explains ideas and tutorials,so I am going to follow article marketing for awhile and see where that takes me. I have learned a bit about alot and I want to focus on just one aspect of IM for now. It has taken me this far to get over my hatred for article writing. Last year, I started writing articles for Associated Content and Constant Content and really hated it.It felt like I was pul
February 18, 2010
Yes, I am stuck here. Have been since the start. It is frustrating to know there are so many websites, blogs, lenses and articles written about the same thing. How can I ever expect mine to be any better, funnier or unique than the others? I am sure there are no "empty niches" out there, unless I make one up.  Hmmm. I may have to consider that. Meanwhile, I did get my first,complete lens done. It is a simple one but I just wanted to learn how to put one together. Useful to know w
February 16, 2010
It has been one week since I joined WA and this is my first blog post.Wow! Alot of information everywhere I read. I just jumped in and got my feet wet right away. Trusty notebook at the ready, I have been reading everything I can and taking notes. Put up a feed site but didn't get a relevant enough domain name, so Google is not happy with me. Oh well-I'll get to fixing it soon enough.   Right now, I am taking as many of the mini-courses as possible to get an overall feeling and understandin
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