Frustration and Sleep deprivation

Last Update: February 23, 2010

I am tired-boned tired-and frustrated.

I have been spending hours upon hours reading, taking notes, watching tutorials and trying new things in IM. I have two lenses up, a couple of .info pages and have the drafts of my first cohesive campaign drawn up and ready to move.

So, what's holding me up?

Site Rubix.  

I cannot get my updated pages to show up on the web. It keeps showing my old pages.

So, I have spent two days trying to find alternative website design programs.But, I have a Mac, so everything comes with a hitch or a price tag. I have downloaded wp, MAMP, GIMP,  Kompozer, and a myriad of other utilities and programs. Still, I have to deal with SR, WA hosting and other issues. 

I can feel my motivation sliding down that slippery slope towards the blackness of defeat. I need a branch to grab onto, a foot hold somewhere along the way. I have been looking into the forest of the forum, reaching towards an extended limb, hoping one of them will be able to stop this accelerating decline into failure.

I just hope when I do grab hold of one, it will hold strong and give me the strength to get back up the hill and on with progress...


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Abnerfer Premium
Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismmayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Josh 1:9
Keep focus and have a great day!!!