The Niche Thing

Last Update: February 18, 2010

Yes, I am stuck here. Have been since the start. It is frustrating to know there are so many websites, blogs, lenses and articles written about the same thing. How can I ever expect mine to be any better, funnier or unique than the others? I am sure there are no "empty niches" out there, unless I make one up. 

Hmmm. I may have to consider that.

Meanwhile, I did get my first,complete lens done. It is a simple one but I just wanted to learn how to put one together. Useful to know when I finally figure out what I am going to focus on.

Think I will do some more research. Again.


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Roy Penrod Premium
I'd start working on your next niche while you keep learning. Your second Squidoo lens will go much quicker now that you know how to use it. Good luck, Kristen!
kristeneva Premium
Good,solid advice-thank you for taking the time to look at and critique it! I am going to make some changes, as suggested, in the next week. Then, I think I will let it sit for awhile while I pursue other WA endeavors and see if I gain an audience...