Feeling like an amateur

Last Update: July 31, 2011

My alarm this morning didn't go off. Yup, Sunday I like to get an extra hour in so that I'm recharged for the week.

Wife let the dogs out.  I forgot to tell her that they pulled down the fence and that it was just a suggestion.  So, I was awakened to "The Pups are gone!"

40 minutes later I found them.  They had covered a significant distance and were about to get into town.  I guess the smell of pancakes from the diner was to much for them.

Spent the day putting up a new fence.  Now, what did I learn?  What IM pearls was I able to glean from all my hard work.  Not sure right now, too tired.  Clay and cobblestones are hard to penetrate with a stake and a sledge.

Perhaps I should promote invisible fencing.  Naw, don't believe in it.  We do way to many aggressive dogs that are that way because of Shock collars.  Now the product to promote is the Garmin Astro.  This is a GPS collar.  If you want to know where your dog is at all times this is the ticket.  I think I'll jump right on this one.  I almost bought one last week.  Pricey but fills a need if you have it. Of course they need to have it on at the right time.

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kyle Premium Plus
Don't leave your business unattended or it will run wild on ya...
Labman_1 Premium
Looks like a pretty tough market but I did find a way in with some descent traffic. Of course I would loooooove to tap into some of the 1.65 Million searches with some of the other keywords. I'm going to give it a try as soon as I have some time to get in there.
muskyblood Premium
Hey Craig - I don't claim to know nearly as much about dog training as you. I know you are the man on that subject! However, why do you say aggressive dogs are that way because of shock collars? I would say it has NOTHING to do with the shock collar, but the owner who decided to abuse the tool. I adopted a half pit half chessy a few years back. Very stubborn and energetic dog. I ended up buying the IUT 300 and used it very properly, and it worked so well. I never had to have her on leash again, and it got to the point where I could just hit the "tone" button and she responded. I guess I just don't understand the negative perception of electric collars. If someone is going to abuse a dog they will do it with or without an e collar. I am a huge fan of the Dog Whisperer, and he endorses them. And his reasoning makes a lot of sense to me. BTW - I checked out the Garmin Astro, looks very cool. You could have yourself a physical product site there...
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Craig, I didn't know about GPS collars either. What a way to wake up on a Sunday morning. I don't like invisible fences either, or shock collars. Or choke chains. My sister had Irish wolfhounds and they ran away a couple times. Those big breeds move fast. Putting up fences is hard work. Glad you found the dogs. Did you make pancakes?
Victoria Marie Premium
didn't know such a thing existed, I could have used one of those GPS collars with my late Welsch Terrier, she would just run and run and run and my brother would just cry and cry and cry... I say go for it. I care more about my pets than most anything else in the world, and so many other people feel the same way... build it and they will come!