First Squidoo

Last Update: September 06, 2010

I just posted my first Squidoo page.

Thought some of you might like to stop by and check it out.

As always, constructive  critiques are appreciated.


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angelstar Premium
Hi, Just learning about Sqidoos. Yours looks great! Great start! I will let you know when I post my first one.
liked the site and left a comment. Very informative and I think something we'll try here. I think you can be a bit more subtle about the Amazon promotions. I found them a bit jarring. I think just sticking to a few tried and true products you hand picked and add your personal recommendations so that they enhance rather than interrupt your site.
Sherion Premium
I just went and checked it out. I did like it a lot. I will not critique as I feel that i am not qualified for that. Best Wishes to You.
stegmasterj Premium
I'm not the expert yet, but I like it. The table of contents is something I don't have on mine that helps you find what you want a little easier.
Abie Premium
Very detail and informative website!