
Last Update: May 17, 2011

Well, I was sitting in the catbird seat for a while here at WA.

SA was accepting my articles and I reached the rank of author 11 at one point.

I thought that was a neat thing.  Then......30 in 30 blew me out of the water.

My ranking jumped to 323.  Ah well.  Guess the crowd has arrived.  Congratulations on those that are getting their content up there.  No hard feelings.  If I had 24 hours to write and submit I'm sure I'd still be up there.

My frustration stems from my job.  Don't get me wrong I like the work and really appreciate a paycheck until I get this IM thing under my belt but,  I would really like to be doing this full time.  My frustration stems from the fact that I can't be here expanding my Internet footprint.

 I'm plugging away at the 30 in 30 and have expanded into the dog niche since I can toss off an article in no time( and I don't have much of that all of the sudden).  The bonus to that is that a second Expert status is getting close in another niche.

I had a friend on FB ask if I was getting spammed by SA since I was writing so many articles on a certain subject.  Had to laugh.

 Keep plugging away at it folks.

Luck to all.

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Sherion Premium
Best Wishes to You
SuperG Premium
have my gold. Gotta go
It's a very good thing you do enjoy your job...because most people don't and it then gets that much worse! Yes, your employer does get the lion's share of your time. All you can do is make tiny achievements with the time you do have. Knowing a bit about the kind of person you are through your writing, you've tweaked that out as much as can be! I'm rooting for you!
michele Premium
I understand frustration labman, but I am streets behind you.... havent yet written my first article!!!!!! I understand your frustration with not being able to plug away at this IM thing 24/7 - I dont work but have a large family to look after and my only time is 4.30-7 in the morning. So what others around me here at WA seem to achieve in a month, Im stilll trying to get my head round in 3 or 4. Good luck to you getting your ranking back, sure you will. For all you say that you have limited time here at WA you have always taken the time out to help me and others - thank you .
burntout Premium
"Sometimes I take it as far as I can. Sometimes I don't even go."